Fri, Dec 24 '10, 04:26
A new booru
As you know, OYP-despite its reputation as a haven for yukkuri abuse-still has a small amount of family-friendly art. Even this, however, was too much for a certain group of assholes, who went and founded their own booru based ENTIRELY on yukkuri abuse. The whole damn thing is here-abandon all hope, ye who enter: abyuse.booru.org/ It's-in the language of OYP itself-anger-inducing. >:(
Sat, Dec 25 '10, 15:59
How amusing. Technically that is not an event of concern to us. For... diplomatic purposes also, ha ha, it is better to do without berating any particular site or booru for conflicting opinions with us. Unless they take the pains to amuse me further by abasing us in their site, or even here. I wouldn't like that though, since I doubt OYP has any influence over the booru. And they bothering to mock us would rule out any possibility of civilized dealings. In any consequences, anyway, it would not do to accuse them as assholes or anger-inducing without their provocation. Nothing better than acting just like most yukkuri-abusing anons in my eyes. I mean we're us and they're them. No sense starting a drama (just like also stated in the forums) first.

By the way, OYP is not a haven for yukkuri abuse. It's not Yukkuri Abuse Place, but One Yukkuri Place. ...Of corse, the credibility of that is up to you to interpret.

p.s.) Yeah, I should stop this act. All that is a sarcastically refined way of "oh cool a new bunch of abusers. Just leave them be, don't bother with them."
Sun, Dec 26 '10, 22:00
I decided to look at it and honestly if they want to do that sort of thing on their own territory, I'm fine with it.

The purpose of this site was to keep the two extremes of both ends separate since there are a lot of people, on both sides, who are looking for trouble.

I'm leaving this here so I can say, again, that its best to ignore them since we are no longer on the same site, like in OYP, and we can both enjoy what we like without seeing each other.
Mon, Jan 03 '11, 10:21
I don't really mind. abyuse was founded just after our booru (less than 30 hours) so I was pretty sure that it was created solely to troll us, but AnonAdmin has been perfectly reasonable, and until recently the comments there have been perfectly civil. I ignored it until recently since it just seemed like a place for AnonAdmin to keep his stash of pics. Other than Tagomer (you know that anyone who says 'moral fag' has intelligent things to say) and an anon who is probably also Tagomer (I doubt that there is more than one commentor who is that angry but still cares about grammar and capitalization) I don't see the whole depravity-for-the-sake-of-depravity or fortress-mentality that I hate about most abuse fans.

Just because someone enjoys abuse, doesn't make them bad people. I've said this before, but I was introduced to yukkuri through abuse and actually still enjoy some of it.
Mon, Jan 03 '11, 11:08
OYP's comments lead me to Tagomer's DeviantArt page. ( http://yukkuriabuser.deviantart.com/ ) It has everything: creepy stories detailing his personal revenge ("OYP Faggots Making a Trip" is a full five pages long), accusations of "trolling" and "attacking" him leveled at everyone who voices even minor disapproval, a disturbing obsession with yukkuri sex, the phrase "moral fag," even an honest-to-goodness comparison of his protagonist to Frodo.

I never thought I'd say this, but OYP is right. He's a troll. Not a troll in the OYP sense of "anyone who disagrees with me," but as in he's doing this stuff just to get people upset. And if you realize that while you look at his stuff, it actually becomes pretty hilarious.
Mon, Jan 03 '11, 21:24
Also its funny since he crated the YSaigyouji puppet, I'm sure, just to post on his deviant-art page. :V

But hes so over the top its hard to get offended by his actions since a troll requires some degree of believability or at least enough so that there is a hook to draw people in, but hes amusing nonetheless.
Tue, Jan 04 '11, 15:05
Has anyone else actually read the stories? His surprising literacy suddenly goes down the drain. And he seems to genuinely find reimus sexually attractive. His anon dreams about her "wonderful braids."

I really think that this guy mocking the abuse fanbase. There's no way that a person could really have ALL the stereotypical traits of an abuse fan.

And I felt bad for actually laughing at this, "JUSTICE IT EASY: I have some warm tea in thermos. we can drink THE TEA. TEA: Your jokes suck more than your lips do." 
Sat, Jan 08 '11, 06:46
I noticed the new Booru in question seems to have 'stalled' in recent days. As far as new items has concerned. I wonder why?
Sat, Jan 08 '11, 09:02
Well, it barely got uploaded to after the first few weeks. It hasn't really stalled (in fact, there have been far more members in the last month than before http://booru.org/booru_users?Abyuse ) lately. It just didn't have a whole lot of momentum to begin with.
Wed, Jan 12 '11, 03:55
I don't recall calling any abuse fan a murderer, serial-rapist, et cetera. You may be in the future, but not right now. And anyone could be, not just abuse fans. That argument is invalid, and I do not use it when criticizing yukkuri abuse anywhere.

Now, if the purpose of your booru is just as a stash for your images, then I have no reason to feel anything about it. Quite on the contrary, I do apologize for having jumped to the conclusion that your site would be uncivilized and somewhat maniacal. (The site's comments that I read did point to that direction.) And I happened to be quite disturbed by a recent happening when I wrote that reply above, so I realize I was overly sarcastic.

As for the issue of family-friendly fans attacking your site, I don't represent them or the family friendly fanbase, but I'd like to apologize for that as well. I'm no administrator here, but the users of this site is not that of the management here either. As you would know, some family friendly fans do get overzealous. I feel ashamed, in fact.

p.s.) A user named heavarion recently uploaded several yukkuri abuse drawings in Danbooru, almost starting another flame war there. The drawings were clearly made in OYP. Was that user from your site by any chance? If he is, I would like you to keep him in control.
Wed, Jan 12 '11, 06:10
Herp Derp got banned as soon as he made the post here.

Aside from that one occurrence, I haven't seen any users from this booru actually go out and create vandalism. And herp derp seemed to join after he made the vandalisms. As for thing, I've pruned most of the comments, even before this happened, that were anti-abuse since one of the motives for this site was, like you said, not to cause problem and I don't feel like bringing up issues for no good reason

My personal feeling is that abuse/family friendly are admitting two extremes and I honestly believe that the latter is more prone to be offended by abuse works than the other way around. It is understandable and I personally dislike abuse works, but most of my issues with OYP was that you had these two groups way, way too close to each other for things not to turn into trouble.

As for this thread, I apologize that its caused troubles but the problem is to do with one user who has been trolling the anti-abuse crowd on OYP and I think OYP is closer to being the source of retaliations than this site, since most of our users either come from Danbooru or OYP (or both).
Wed, Jan 12 '11, 11:27
@anon_admin: Liking violence is not the issue here. The issue is the defensiveness of the abuse-fanbase. When someone calls a guro pic "sick," they aren't accused of being "anti-guro trolls." If I said that the mistress in "Mai-Chan's Everyday Life" was a bitch (she totally was), they wouldn't act like it was some sort of personal attack.

As for the "depravity-for-the-sake-of-depravity," what do you call the obsessive need to turn every single yukkuri picture into a torture pic? Do you genuinely think that TEA thinks that happy yukkuri families take anything away from poor human families? No, he just needs to prove how he's moved beyond liking cute things. What about the edits of FF pics because they can't stand to see yukkuri who won't be tortured?

I'm not some cartoonish bad guy who wants to steal happiness from abusers, despite what people think.
Wed, Jan 12 '11, 18:20
But no one is coming over there to troll. Just because one troll decided to make account here only for the reason of boasting over his e-ego is no reason to think that we host losers like that here. You should also go over to Danbooru in case. :) Our membership is kind of small compared to Danbooru. Personally I don't care if you upload your entire content into Danbooru so don't blame me for being abuse hater. :D So, let's shake hands, ne?
Wed, Jan 12 '11, 19:02
Yami, don't read more into what he says than what he is saying than what he is.

Anonadmin, do you happen to have the user names of those who trolled Abyuse and claimed to be from our site? Or any idea on the time-frame, because I can't think of any users here who would go out and troll yukkuri abyuse. I have seen several users here express dislike of yukkuri abuse but no one has ever admitted to actually vandalizing here or OYP.

My feelings are that its either a troll trying to start issues (if anyone did that, it would be tagomer)

edit: I deleted the entire discussion, no offense meant to either side, but it wasn't productive.

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